The Nativity Story (2006)
A drama that focuses on the period in Mary and Joseph's life where they journeyed to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus.
The Nativity Story Trivia:
-This was the first feature film ever to premiere at the Vatican.
-The cast were taught how to use certain tools used 2000 years ago as well as how to build homes, how to press olives and grapes, how to make bread, how to make cheese, and how to milk goats.
Check out more trivia here.
The Nativity Story Reviews:

Matthew Turner writes: Catherine Hardwicke (Lords of Dogtown, Thirteen) may seem like an unusual choice for a Biblical epic, but she proves an inspired choice, choosing to focus on the authenticity of the story, primarily through Mary.

Roger Moore writes: This is the movie Mel Gibson should have made, a simple tale simply titled and sweetly told.

From the interview: "When I first red this story, the screenplay, I loved it. I loved- I was mesmerized by the simplicity of it all."
On Set: The Nativity Story with Director Catherine Hardwicke-A behind the scenes look at the movie
Making The Nativity Story - Video interview with Catherine Hardwicke and Mike Rich (Screenwriter)
(Unfortunately the videos cannot be embedded here, but they are worth a view)
Where Were They Then...?
Amanda Seyfried - Alpha Dog (2006)
Shiloh Fernandez- Jericho series (7 episodes in 2006-07)
Gary Oldman - Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (2007)
Julie Christie- Away from Her (2006) (Best Actress Nomination)
Billy Burke - Fracture (2007)
Virginia Madsen - A Prairie Home Companion (2006)
Lukas Haas- Material Girls (2006)
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